A Heart for Women

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a Christ centered, transformative care home, as well as community programs, for pregnant women and their children that are coming from a crisis situation. By using a Christian faith based, holistic, and trauma informed program, we seek to heal and bring hope.


We envision a community where every woman and child has a safe place that provides a sense of belonging with opportunities to flourish, grow, and have a joyful abundant life.

The Future is Bright!

Our Home

From pregnancy and beyond, our home supports a woman until she is able to independently live on her own. A Woman choosing a path of adoption for her child will be given the same support unto independent living as a woman parenting her child.

Christian Faith Based

Our home brings the love of Christ into every day living. True hope and joy is found in the love of our Savior and we believe that everyone can benefit from this love. Women are not required to be Christian to come to the home.

Breaking Cycles

By breaking the cycle of a life lived in crisis, we offer the opportunity to develop the needed skills to have a life of joy and independence. Their children will grow up in a home of love and stability, ensuring many lives will be positively impacted

Offering Hope

A positive change is growth, which brings hope for the future. Our program focuses on spiritual growth as well as personal development. Growth happens through programs for healing, education, and developing life skills.
